Monday, December 1, 2008

Energy recycling

Energy recycling

Automobile consumption in about one-third of the energy used to let the car move forward, while the remaining two-thirds of the waste heat in the form of radiation have been lost. So how to recover these wasted energy it? The answer is in heating or cooling when the current thermoelectric materials. According to the Department of Energy to a report in February, the newly discovered thermoelectric materials is the power of the first generation version of the 3-fold. Currently, General Motors is stepping up its manufacturing section 2009 of a prototype Chevy Suburban. This car is one of the major characteristics of the installed around the exhaust pipe Thermoelectric devices could be some fuel combustion efficiency by 5%. In addition, the use of thermal energy recovery has been seen as the power supply from the cooling system and the micro-chip integrated manner, in this way without the use of liquid or need a large number of power sub-cooling fan.

  汽车消耗的能量中有大约三分之一用于让车子向前推进,余下的三分之二则以废热形式被辐射掉。那么如何回收这些被浪费的能量呢?答案是可在加热或冷却时产生电流的热电材料。根据能源部2月的一份报告,新发现的热电材料功率是第一代版本的3倍。目前,通用汽车公司正加紧制造2009年款的Chevy Suburban原型。这款汽车的一大特征就是排气管周围安装了热电装置,大约可将燃料燃烧效率提高5%。除此之外,热电能量回收利用也已被视为将自供电冷却系统与微芯片融为一体的方式,这种方式无需使用大量液体或者需要次级电源的散热风扇。

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